Thursday, October 22, 2009

I won't let the dogs crawl into the bed with me
By Mikel K

Like Father Unlike Son
By Mikel K

"Mikel, I adore that you always keep it real. You have the ability to get down to the heart of the matter and that says it all. I have no doubt that good things are coming to you.
Simply put--You get it. You get what life is all about." --Waldmans R Us

The Beauty of the Day

The beauty of the day is brilliant;
the architect of such a miracle must be praised.

At about a month old

Snow has fallen on our Southern City,

and it has stuck to leaves, and trees,
cars, and trashcans.

There is enough of it,
that my children are too busy playing in it,
to much talk to me on the telephone.

My daughter is going to build an igloo.
One of my sons is sledding in it, at the park.

My other son, his wife, and my grandson, Elliot,
are a bit north of the city, in a place where it has not snowed,

so today does not qualify as Elliot's first snow.

He still has a first snow to go, and will, most likely,
be a bit older, when it occurs, and he can more enjoy it
than he can, now, at about a month old.

She's your daughter

She's your daughter,
and you treat her like shit.

She's your daughter,
and you always tell her she's not it,

not what she should be,
not what you want her to be,
not what you wanted her to be.

She's your daughter.
She's your daughter,
you don't get it,

you shouldn't treat anyone like this.

You don't get it.
She's your daughter.
And you treat her like shit.

She's your daughter.
She's your daughter.

The situation of now

Sometimes, we spend all our lives trying to get back to where we once were, once before, but we can't get back, Jack; so we got to deal with the situation of now.

Night and day

Night, and day, you shine.
Night, and day, I wish that you were mine.

It's a jungle out there,
and I know that you could calm my mind.

It seems that this poem should go longer.
It seems that I should say more, it seems that I should be stronger,
but my mind is in prison, and my fingers are frozen to the keys.

Night, and day, you shine.
Night, and day, I wish that you were mine.

It's a jungle out there,
and I know that you could calm my mind.

If I could say what I'm thinking,
if I could feel unlike I'd been drinking,
I might be able to communicate to you,
but I can't, and I don't know what I should do.

Night, and day, you shine.
Night, and day, I wish that you were mine.

It's a jungle out there,
and I know that you could calm my mind.

You are not here to be loving it

It's snowing in your hometown, girl,
and you are not here to be loving it.


Snow greeted me, this morning, in this Southern City,
all of us in awe at its beauty, and wishing that
it had occurred on Monday, instead of Sunday, so that
the city could shut down, and we could all skip school and work.

Why not?

Everything should be happy, happy, joy, joy,
but it's not.

But you can work on making it that way,
in your world,
and in the world around us;

why not?

I just went outside to take out the trash, and, let me tell you that it is COLD, this morning in Atlanta, Georgia. The guy who lives next door was scraping snow, and ice, off his car and letting it defrost before he could drive off to work. It was way too COLD to be out there in shorts, and a t-shirt like I was! My neighbor, originally from Wisconsin, and I, originally from Connecticut, agreed that this weather, today, in Atlanta was very reminiscent of the winters that we had left behind.

I turned the heat up, last night, and I am very glad that I did, and I am very glad, that I and my dogs, cats, and turtles have this heat, for last night was a night that we might have frozen to death. I pray for the homeless in our nation, that the stimulus package helps the addicts, and mentally ill, who have not been taken into consideration in recent budgets.

Nobody should freeze to death, and, like Martin Luther King Jr. said, "A nation shall be judged by how they treat the least among them."

Stay warm. Be happy.

Weird yes but very very touching

When my dog Bundy goes to sleep,
he is knocked out, dead to existence,
deep in sleep, and, mostly, he does not wake up,
once he has dropped off for the evening.

My dog Morrison, on the other hand, wakes up
the minute that I wake up, and at least
has half an shut eye open, and trained on me,
to see what is up, now that I am up.

My cat Jaggar has developed an intense fascination
with my teddy bears. He lays next to them,
plays with them, chews on them, a bit, and, last night,
I came home from work, and found the dogs' blanket
folded almost into a square, with three of my four teddy bears
resting on it;

weird, yes, but very, very touching.

That should tell us both something

I haven't looked out at the day yet,
nor checked the weather report on my computer,

so, I can't tell you what it is doing out there,

I can tell you that my daughter has the day off
from school, so that should tell us both, something.

Sun's coming up

The sun is slowing coming to life over the trees, and house, next door, that I can see outside my window. I am thrilled to be alive for another day. While alive, all possibilities are out there waiting for me. I am blessed to be able to pick and choose those things that I allow to enter my life.

Por Favor

I am amazed by this one customer who we get, almost every night, at the cafe. He almost always has a coupon for a free drink, and he usually asks for the drinks that take the most time to make; the most expensive ones, but he never puts anything in our tip jar.

I expect nothing, and am pleasantly surprised when I look down, and see silver and green in the little box that holds our tips, but, in this guy's case, I am struck by the me, me, me-ness of his situation and attitude.

This guy has figured out his way into free, expensive, and labor-intensive drinks, but he doesn't spread the wealth at all, and help out those working so hard for him.

There is an old saying, "Tip your bartender." Well, there is a new saying, "Tip your barista!!" Por favor!

Would you kiss her?

Would you kiss her?
I would kiss her?
Should we kiss her together,
if she will let us kiss her together?

No matter what time the morning comes

I need to make coffee.
Such is a prerequisite of the morning,
no matter what time the morning comes.

Breakfast with the birds

I hear the birds out there singing in the cold.
They don't seem to mind that the weather is near freezing.

Birds, mostly, have a good attitude don't they;
except for caged chickens being forced to produce eggs for you,
or being forced to grow up in weeks instead of years,
so you can have them on your plate for breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

Something that you should know?

I wake up at least twice, each morning; the first time between five and seven a.m., often influenced by the cats, and or, dogs to rise, and feed them. I then fix a cup of coffee, and stay up for about two hours, usually, eating something after writing for those two hours, and go back to sleep until somewhere between ten a.m. and one p.m.

I just thought that this was something that you should know.

Cat Nips

I think it funny how a cat can bite you, without really biting you to signal to you that he or she is about to really bite you!!

Leave them behind

We break ourselves down,
listening to voices that disappoint us,
voices that should love us,
but that push and shove us, bring us down
maybe even almost a lifetime later
from when we left them behind.

You can

You can build opportunity
even in a time of recession.

You can find happiness,
even if you are, now, experiencing depression.

Her feces don't smell

Her feces don't smell,
she'll tell you,

taking a dump on your face.

I used to be a fiend

I used to be a fiend,
a fellow who couldn't control the bottle.

I was so hollow,
but something saved me.

Some say it was my Higher Power.

The people who work at the grocery store smile

The people who work at the grocery store
where I most often shop smile a lot.

Corporations don't have to be ruthless, greedy pigs.
Haven't they ever heard that you have to give to get?

(Why do they, so often, just take, take, take?)

Really having what you want

I want a pizza my credit card is calling,
but I'm trying to show some restraint.

I want to pay the balance down,
and there are leftovers in the refrigerator.

You can't always have what you want,
and then wind up really having what you want.

I'm going to hell

Everybody's got a wife,
I never had a life inside the church,

except for when I had to,
when I was a kid, and they told me
that I was going to hell.

I'll be relaxing on the moon

I've taken myself out of the water,
I'm not going to swim with the team.

When you're pointing to the stars,
I'll be relaxing on the moon.

Call it something different

At the first sign of love,
I'll run away.

When you mention the word commitment,
I'll say no way.

Mom lived in the kitchen.
Dad lived in the garage.
They waged a war of silence for a lifetime;
stayed together because The Pope said they had to.

Call it something different, I might stick around.

It was very unbalancing

Sometimes, you have to grab minutes where you can
to do those things that you have to, that will keep you

Writing, Yoga, hanging with my kids, and dogs are things
that I must do, or I will go insane, and, some days,
there are other things, like making a buck, that want to
steal me from the things that keep me from going nuts.

I think that it is called balance, when you juggle
all these things successfully. I am glad to be balanced,
these days. I lived much of my life very unbalanced,
and it was very unbalancing.

The dishwasher is my friend

I've never had a dishwasher before,
except for the kids' mother(I am
totally joking here, and know that
I will get in some sort of trouble
over this joke...!)

This morning, the dishwasher
in this small apartment rumbles,
and purrs, like a long lost friend.

I am glad to have him or her with
me on this journey called life.

The turtles didn't do it

I place the closed trash bag by the front door
so that I won't forget to take it out with me
when I leave. The cats and dogs gather about it
like it is a long lost friend, deceased, and
about to be take to the morgue, or the funeral home.

Cats, and dogs are fascinating; they never cease to
amaze me. My turtles are awake, also, thought they
didn't gather by the trash bag at the front door.

Door to door

I hide the funk with some fancy cologne,
guzzle a large cup of caffeine, run a brush
across my teeth, and enter the real world,

a place that I find myself in less and less
often. I am seated at a desk fingers tapping
away, creating words in front of me.

I don't make my living this way, but it saves
my heart,and soul from slowly bleeding to death,
day by day, on a time clock somewhere.

I would never be rich at vacuum cleaner sales
door to door.

My dogs almost eat better than I do. I buy them a better bag of dog food, because they tell me it really matters in the quality of my dog's life, even though I might have to miss a meal, or two, myself.

I'm just kidding. I don't recall having ever missed a meal, though I am certain that I have been close a time or two. I have eaten in the soup line, on a couple of occasions. That had to do, I think, more with personal choices, than with anything else: I chose to get drunk with my lunch money, and I chose a lifestyle that wasn't really conducive with getting up, in the morning, and going to work.

I don't live like that, anymore, but with the economy being the way it is, it seems like many of us are coming dangerously close to missing a meal or two, here and there.


Nothing is eating at me, tonight, which is good, because for decades, things ate at me. You can't enjoy life when things are eating at you; you are either fixated on tomorrow, or yesterday, and you, somehow, miss the now.

My dad died not of cancer, or diabetes, or old age; he worried himself to death, and if I'm not careful I could do the same fucking thing.

Yoga class was challenging, tonight. Our instructor had us do some asanas that my knees just wouldn't let me slip into. My left knee has been giving me trouble for the last couple of weeks; slight pain, here and there, and the feeling, every once in awhile, that it wants to go out on me. I think that the cold weather has brought back some of the arthritis that the Yoga had gotten rid of.

"I can't help it if I'm lucky," Bob Dylan is singing from my hard drive, and that is exactly how I feel: lucky!

Please pray for peace in the world, today

It seems stupid, like our little prayers don't matter;
they say that God has given us free will, and our will
has way too often been to war,

but, maybe, just maybe a prayer from each of us could
change things.

World peace seems about as even a bet as winning the lottery,
but someone does win the lottery, and think how much
better off we all would be if all wars would cease
and all men and women could be happy.

This poem is for the girl in Canada

This poem is for the girl in Canada,
who may have a temper problem.

I know what you are going through,
as much as a man in The U.S. can know
what a woman in Canada is going through;

something like that!

For love

I almost added some new faces to the abode,
several fish named Jack Dempsey, but they
require a bigger tank than I have.

I want to, eventually, get a snake and a white dove.
Someone asked me why I wanted a snake. I want a snake
for the same reason I want a woman; for love.

Not all on the ark have risen early

I was wide awake at 5 a.m.
so I got out of bed, and
fed the cats, and dogs.

The turtles, I am letting sleep in.

You can tie me up for a price

Women who like to be tied up,
are asking for my friendship on the internet.

I wonder who is trying to sell me what.

I still listen to Fallout Boy and she doesn't

She has moved on past things that I am still stuck in.
She stuck me in them, and then moved on, but it is a good thing,
I love to watch her grow.

Bebo, who took over the profile part of AOL, keeps telling people that I am 33. I am not 33; I am 51, and I am damn proud of it, just like I will be damn proud of being 61, and 71, and 81, and 91.

I wouldn't want to be young, again.

Youth for me was hell. First, it was my father, pounding into me that I was less than nothing, that I would never amount to anything, that I was bad and The Catholic Church backed him up on this. Then there were the blackout years, the nearly two decades in the bottle, different phases of it, in different places, but the same result: drunk, with increasingly worse consequences, winding up with regular stays in the drunk tank, and several visits to mental institutions, LSD and alcohol soaked, but seeing no Timothy Leary vision, not leading the glamour writing lives of Hemingway, or Hunter Thompson.

Youth: no thanks.

I look at skinny models, and supposed pretty boys on magazines, and I wonder who is feeding our culture this crap, and what is their motivation. The purveyors our our public image are sick people with the acquisition of gross amounts of money on their minds.

They've run the show for too long. It's time to take them over.
Don't buy their magazines. Don't feed into their bullshit, and lies. Make them tell the truth.

Youth is not better than wisdom.
There is glamour in being 51.

Trust me.
(I've had a vasectomy.)

Groupies never find me.

I don't get blow jobs in bathrooms,
or backstage like real rock stars.

I'm sick of American Idol,
and I'm sick of U2. U2 has shot me out
with all the ads; they're not that good
of a band, anyway.

American Idol just sucks; the whole premise
of it.

Groupies never find.
Girls find me online.
They read my words, and fall in love.

Every audience is different
you never know what you'll
be facing, so I turn my back,
and do Mountain Pose.

Me: You like to show yourself naked, and near naked...

She: Yes.

Go figure

I don't want to get to specific,
because then you might figure me out,

and I haven't, yet, figured myself out.

They don't play fairly

I guess you have to freeze to death,
to bring the cost of your utility bill down.


Some mornings, I add too much soy creamer to my coffee,
and it makes the caffeine cold, so I heat it in the microwave.

John Lennon felt this way too

Not everybody likes me.
I want everybody to like me.

The sullenness of the morning has been eradicated

Loneliness can be eradicated with a single smile.
You don't have to get naked with me to say you love me.

I can't even say hello

My heart fluttered
and then I stuttered
when I tried to say hello.

I really wanted to meet you,
but when given the opportunity,
I turned yellow.

I'm an old man with no other plan
than to to love you,

but you don't want my love,
so I'm going to have to let you go.

Let you go.
Let you go.
Ohhhhhhhhh, I don't want to let you go.

But, I just met you, and I can't
even say hello.

Wordmanmikelk: Hey
MAYFLY: how are you ?
Wordmanmikelk: I m good how are you
MAYFLY : i buddy you and dont know you lol
MAYFLY: so were are you from ?
Wordmanmikelk: atlanta
MAYFLY: i love GA
Wordmanmikelk: 51 male and you
MAYFLY: 25/f/fl
Wordmanmikelk: you re cute
MAYFLY: so Y did you wont me to buddy you ?
Wordmanmikelk: and seem to have a great attitude
Wordmanmikelk : in this transition to bebo, it is asking everyone on here to be my buddy...
MAYFLY: i have a good out look on life
Wordmanmikelk : I think we talked briefly, once before though
Wordmanmikelk: i don t chat as much on here(AOL) as i used to. i spend most of my online time on facebook
Wordmanmikelk : do you have a facebook?
MAYFLY : So do you like music?
Wordmanmikelk : I m in a band of sorts

Wordmanmikelk: I ve been in one off and on for years I m a Poet**
MAYFLY: what kind of band ?
Wordmanmikelk: I love music and musicians
Wordmanmikelk: Improvisationl Art Rock Poetry Band
MAYFLY: i am a song writer
Wordmanmikelk: cool
Wordmanmikelk: sing me a song!!
MAYFLY : go to my profile one is in my blog
Wordmanmikelk : I just read it
Wordmanmikelk : nice
MAYFLY : u think so? ty
MAYFLY : are you there?
Wordmanmikelk: yes
MAYFLY: so are you married
Wordmanmikelk : no will you marry me
MAYFLY: Y did you ask ????????
MAYFLY: you dont know me
Wordmanmikelk: cuz you re cute and you write songs what more could a man ask for?


**And I might add that I'm a Huge Rock Star Type Wanna Be Poet with a balls to the wall band that can blow the bejesus off of any band on the land.

A wise partner

I trust him implicitly,
because I watch him like a hawk.

You had your chance

You had your chance.
The window of opportunity was open,
but you shut the door;

now I've moved on.

I'm building skyscrapers,
while you're getting bitten by ants.

What you and I can do

I swallowed purple elephants.
I farted pink seals.
I rallied for a better government,
I said, "Hey, man what's the deal?"

What's the deal?
What's the deal?
What's the deal?

You got to wait for Obama to make
things better for you; why not see
what you and I can do.

What you and I can do.
What you and I can do.

The possibilities are limitless.

Separate and not necessarily equal

There is a stone in her heart;
we will always be apart.

It didn't have to be this way.

Not sure

I'm not sure what's next
I'm not sure where I should turn,
so I'll just keep moving on.

Even the losers

"Baby, even the losers get lucky some time."
--Tom Petty

For parts of yesterday, and for parts of this morning,
I felt like a loser. Nothing changed from the times
before, in recent history, where I didn't feel like a
loser, but, sometimes, it just creeps up on you; you know,
and takes you over, that creepy feeling that nobody loves
you, and that there is no real reason for this existence.

We create our own reason for living, those of us in control
of our own lives, and, sometimes, we make wrong choices,
listen to the wrong voices in our head, and then we find ourselves
not wanting to get out of bed.

I lived like this for decades, and, now, the moments are only
fleeting where this is my existence, and to my Higher Power,
I am really fucking grateful.


You may bone it,
but you don't own it.

Turn them into friends

"Your sales are good," she said with a smile,
and I knew that she didn't hate me. Insecurity
can make for some tense, disillusioned moments.

I like my job, and think that the coffee products,
and bakery things, that we sell are marvelous,
so its not hard to smile at strangers, and try to
turn them into friends.


I like to hear the birds chirp in the morning;
they precede the sun. I didn't used to think so,
but, now, getting up early is fun.


The drier rumbles,
running up the utility bill,
I'll be glad for a refrain from the cold,
this high, high heat bill is getting old.

I don't know her intention

I'd like to flog her,
smother her with kisses,
make her coffee in the morning,
tea in the afternoon.

I don't know her intention,
I don't want to move in, too soon.
Getting laid can ruin a lifetime friendship,
but I've got condoms just in case.

We just got fooled, again

One huge pharmecutical company just bought
another huge pharmecutical company, for 41 billion dollars,
resulting in, I'm sure, huge savings for the consumer.

Strange correlation

The sun is not yet up,
yet I sit at my desk
fingers happily slapping
the keys on my laptop.

Somewhere, there is an ass
that needs slapping.

Everything is going to be alright

Eventually I will get to where I am supposed to be,
but, right now, I am happy where I am, and, if I stay
that way, every step of the journey, baby, everything
is going to be alright.

Blow out the candles, babe

My son turns 20, on Tuesday, and, yesterday, we all hid
inside his brother's house, and yelled, "Happy Birthday,"
as he came through the door. He was thinking that he was
coming to visit his still nearly new born nephew.


Graem, we love you.

Speedo love

Muscles ache, this morning, that I had forgotten about,
and I know that this is a good thing. Spring has sprung
and I lust to look good in a Speedo.

Thoughts on staying away from healthy places

Oh God, yes.

Sipping those first few sips of coffee,
in the morning, is like sipping a nectar of the Gods;
I swear it is.

My body is sore from much physical activity,
yesterday, and I am not talking sex.

I spent time on a track yesterday, fast walked a half mile,
two loops around the track, and I threw three one hundred yard dashes into the mix, as I went around in circles.

This was the first time that I had been on a track since 1975,
when I set the mile and two mile records in high school.
It felt natural to be where I was, and I wondered why I had stayed away from such a healthy place for so long.

The dogs watched me go round and round, and wondered what was up.

Mother never told me

Mother never told me
that I'd meet girls
like you,

she told me
to go to church on Sunday,
and to make good grades
in School.

What are you lookin' for, pretty legs?

She looks good in a mini-skirt,
except that she's in the wrong part of town.
(and she looks lost.)

BY MIKEL K POET AT 9:05 PM 0 COMMENTS LINKS TO THIS POST Skinny brainless bimbo not

"Will You be my partner in crime?"
Mick Jagger was singing, at the coffee shop,
as a young, skinny, not a bimbo young lady gave me a hug.

"Ewwww, you're sweaty," she said,
and I say, "What's wrong, young lady,
you don't like sweaty old men?!"

I don't like sweaty young men, either,"
she said, grabbing her motorcycle helmet,
and heading out the door.

Alien Eyes

A blind man, and two blind women, stood
at a bus stop that the bus that I was on
pulled up to;

what a different world they live in,
than I do, and, then, I thought that
one of the women looked at me.

Free us

The machine that takes your money
was not working, today, so the bus ride was free.

What if the big machine in the grand scheme of things
broke, and everything was free.


I feel sad
when I see
a cigarette
in someone's fingers.

It was hot enough, today, in this apartment, to melt some chocolate that I had stashed on the bookshelf behind my desk. This does not bode well for the forthcoming summer. I hope to hell that the air conditioner in this abode works, the central one, not the little white one the sits in the window of the kitchen. I tend to get irritated in hot weather, if I can't stay cool, so I have turned the a/c on, tonight, to try to learn, ahead of time, what is in store for me, the dogs, the cats, and the turtles, here in Midtown, Georgia, in the not too far off future.

I was out most of the day, getting this tattoo on my left arm finished; it took us three two and a half hour sessions to knock it out. Today's session was a bit painful; but I clenched my teeth, and took it like a man. I mean a tattoo parlor is like the last place that you can moan and groan in, now isn't it.

My son turned 20, today, and he celebrated it by fighting, all day, with the brakes on his mother's car, and then finding out, too late in the day, that he needed another part for them to finish the job.

It is weird to think that two decades have passes since this young man joined us in this adventure called life. I'm glad that he is here with us.

Happy Birthday, Graem.

Surely Correct

I couldn't go to sleep, last night. too much caffeine at work,
so I woke up late this morning; it is almost noon
and I am supposed to have this tattoo finished at one.
I called the tattoo parlor and told the voice machine
that I would be a half hour late,
I guess those guys don't get started all that early, either.

Today, is my son's 20th birthday; I can not believe
that he has been on this earth this long. It seems like
just yesterday, that one of the nurses handed him to me,
kicking and screaming, having just emerged from his mother.

"Time waits for no man, and it won't wait for me,"
a Rolling Stone once sang, and he was surely correct.

You must stop building your nuclear bombs

We can work it out, we really can,
whatever it is; dialogue is what
is necessary,

but I don't feel like talking to you,

Oh well

The last few sips of my coffee are often cold.
Mostly, I find them repulsive, like the constant
computer calls from collection agencies that
often plague my cell phone.

In a perfect world, I would be perfect;
but I'm not.

Oh well.

There is nothing on my calendar for the next two days

The little boxes are empty;
would you like to fill them,
by having coffee with me,
and a walk with the dogs in the park?

The weather is supposed to be amazing,
and I promise that I won't out walk you by much;
get in touch.

I need another fan, one of those oscillating kinds.

Needs are weird; they are different than wants.
Salesmen are trained to turn your wants into needs.

Ready to go

One of my dogs was having bad dreams, last night;
I bet that it was Bundy, but I can't be sure.

I slept well, myself; waking early, ready to go.

Nurture it like you would love

The seed is sown,
how long until the plant grows; I don't know.

Their cold gold can not rule us forever

The sun has set on this beautiful day.
Many of us are smiling, even though
the television is telling us that
the planet is failing. Perhaps those
who gather the news are gathering it
in the wrong places; those who feed us
the news want us to feel bad for some
reason, and we are refusing to cooperate.

Their cold gold can not rule us forever.

Sitting in the sun

A little baby, being pushed in her stroller, squealed at my dogs,
as we walked by her, today, in the park. The turtles were not
on their usual tree limb, but some geese squawked at us, for getting
too close to their pond.

I was wrong; I looked at the wrong tree limb.
The turtles are there, sitting in the sun.

It's hard to resist an attractive, intelligent woman, but I can do it.

Fat Chance

She wants to ask the man who stole billions
to have a heart, and give her back her life savings.

Fat chance.


Newspapers are folding,
victims of the internet.

No one bails them out;
it is the natural evolution of things,


the government bails out car makers
who continue to build obsolete cars,
banks who rip off consumers,
with their criminal credit cards,
and house loans that set people up to die.


Would it not?

I have these espresso beans that I am pretty sure make me jittery,
when I drink two, or more cups of them,

so the secret would be to just drink one cup of them, would it not?

On your calm

People have not been bowing to my will,
which is frustrating, even though I know
that they are not supposed to bow to my will.

Some people impose themselves on your existence,
and you impose yourself on the existence of other folks;
each situation can cause the same level of dissonance on your calm.

I understand now why men run off into the woods to find God.

A cat named Monkey

The guy next door asked me to feed his cat;
the cat is mostly an outside cat named, "Monkey."

I don't know why he didn't name the cat, Elephant,
or Giraffe, but the only time that I have seen the cat
is when the guy next door pops into the driveway
of his house, quickly doing this or that.

"She hears my car engine, and comes," he said, and I thought
that that was cute, but still hoped that Monkey would show
a bit, when I put her food down, so that I would know that it was
she, and not the rest of the dogs and cats in the neighborhood
who were eating it.

Not covered in sugar

I made a really nice salad tonight;
herb lettuce, onions, cubes of raw tofu,
and raw sesame seeds, but I ran out of
salad dressing, last night, so I wrapped
the salad, and put it in the refrigerator.

Mind you, I took a few bites of it,
but it just wasn't the same not covered in sugar.

Sow A Seed

You offered the hope of something,
but you wound up giving me nothing;
which is all you owed me.

I bought a bag of peanuts,
and I ate them all by myself.

I love spring because I like to
plant things in the ground.

There is love in the air

The pink and white flowers are blossoming,
I hope that they are not coming to life, too soon;

under a Southern March moon there could be another freeze waiting.

The bumble bees are rumbling.
I give them space, and pray
that they will refrain from biting me or one of my dogs,

The ladies are showing more leg.
There is love in the air.

The eyes have it

Your eyes are brown,
her eyes are blue.

She smiles.
You frown.

I'm lacking in confidence this morning

The weekend ahead of me is uncertain,
it's going to rain, I think, and I'm not sure
if I should try to make plans with you.

You might not want to walk in the park,
you might not want to sit outside a coffee shop,
and drink coffee,
you might not want to have anything to do with me.

I can't buy you a fancy dinner.
I don't get stoned.

Take a look in my window

A stalker might never forget you.
She'll wear different clothes,

different colors of eye make up,
different lipsticks,

you'll be preaching peace and love,
and she'll stab you in the back.

"Love you..."

She lingered to read the text message, and the killer caught her by the throat, as she read the third to the last word. The word was, "I." She never got to read the words, "love you..."

You won't blow out the candles on the cake this year pal

The party is constant,
the liver is waiting to jump ship.

Some people are irritants

They really are, and I haven't got the time.
Some people try too hard; they really do.

When I get home from work

Change is constantly occurring,
whether we like it, or not,
whether we want it, or not,

the molecules in our body are whirling about,
the days are constantly changing,
one minute is clicking into the next;

the only constant is the smile on my dogs' faces
when I get home from work.

Let it rain when we are at work

It is supposed to rain today.
It should never rain on the weekends,
don't you think?

A good night's sleep

My mind is blank, so far, this morning,
which, they tell me, is a good thing;

it is relaxed from a good night's sleep.

Their daily food

There is something really peaceful about watching my cats eat in the morning. They both hover around the area where I place the two dishes that contain the small amounts of wet cat food that I feed them. Then, when I place the dishes on the floor, they eat from them gracefully, and appear to be very thankful for the food that has been given to them.

I am thankful, each day, for the food that has been given to me, and for these cats who have been placed into my life.

Joy was sitting in for Larry

Howard K. Stern's attorney
is very attractive.

Anna Nicole Smith had big tits,
but she's dead.

In full

I'm cold, but it's ok
I'll be able to pay my bill.

I'm cold, but it's ok,
I'll be able to pay my bill.

I've frozen to death,
but my bill is paid in full.

Yet a quitter, again

Coffee is an upper;
I want to come down.

Recent Discovery

I recently discovered that my cell phone counts how many steps I take, measures the distance that I take them in, and tells me how many calories that I have burned taking them.

Obnoxious, too

The ads that you have to listen to while waiting to talk to a, "Customer Representative Professional," are obnoxious, but, if you want to make sure that they have credited an automatic payment from you checking account, you have to wait through them.

Friends of mine have, recently, acquired this "service" where you have to listen to a song that they, and the cell phone company have chosen for you to listen to, while you wait for the person to pick up the phone.

I find this to be obnoxious, too.

Sex Baby

Sex baby it's the spring let's have sex baby
baby baby let's have sex sex sex let's have sex

(Sing this while listening to Tom Petty sing "Breakdown.")

Good Bundy

The barking of the neighbor's dog causes me to push the play button on my cd player. Tom Petty starts singing, "Well, she was an American Girl, raised on promises," and all is, once again, good in my world. I have a dog that likes to bark, also. I know that when I am gone from the abode, he barks like a mad dog at anyone who walks by, or approaches our front door. Bundy is going to get them. Bundy is going to protect our home. Bundy is going to attack, and maul, anyone who tries to come inside and steal the cd player that Tom Petty is singing from.

Good Bundy, good.

Morning meandering

Should I tell the landlord that I
plan to plant an herb garden
in the little plot of dirt that exists
in the front of his house,

or should I just plant some dill,
and other things, and hope that he is cool with it?

So eager for its arrival

Sometimes I salivate like a Pavlov's dog
for love that is not going to occur.
Inside I whimper, beg, plead for it to happen,

but love never happens when you want it to;
it, usually, kind of sneaks up on you
engulfing you, trapping you, making you wonder
why you where so eager for its arrival.

Ugly head

There is a hole inside of me,
that, mostly, only rears its ugly head
the first thing in the morning, when I wake up.

When it rained in the spring IS THE LAST ONE Collision

I'm following you. You're following me. We're colliding.

Like I was supposed to do

Something I've done I can't talk about it's between God and me I stole a candy bar as a kid, and I didn't tell the Priest in the dark like I was supposed to do.

It's all up to you

We're all peasants if our thoughts are unpleasant if we can control our mind we can be the king even while taking the trash out garbage in garbage out is what it's all about. They programmed you for a reason; you smile in one season, run for your life in another, and there is nothing wrong. God left the building and left it all up to you.


No questions constantly they don't want you to know what they're up to even when what they are feeding you is killing you first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill said a man who maybe they killed.

back to dublin

my smile is back/I've learned to talk/take my hand/let's walk
why am I waiting on a mystery/when you are standing right in front of me/ I didn't have to go to Dublin/to find a girl with an Irish girl to smile at me.

When it rained in the spring

If ever there was a girl it was you who taught me what to do
when it got cold in the winter when it rained in the spring.

Not love

I'm empty fill me; you can't.
I'm talking about hot tea not love.

The cats are fed

The cats are fed,
I might go back to bed.

Until I have to leave

It's raining outside this morning
I'll stay inside until I have to leave.

Coupon for coffee

I've got one coupon left,
would you like to be my date?

We'll engage in intelligent conversation
walk the dogs, maybe stay up late.

For or to

Would you die for me? Would you lie to me?
And what would I do for or to you?

n such a long time

It's not really hard to confess,
that I haven't been a mess, in such a long time.

Like father unlike son

My younger son came over last night to hang out with me. It was good to see him; my he is a handsome boy, well-mannered, well thought out. I look at him and I can't figure out if he is a drunk like I was at his age(20.) I was really fucked up at that age, drinking heavily every night, at college; telling myself that I was having a good time(which I actually did for a great part of it...ahhhh, alcohol was my friend for quite a while...I was shy, and it brought out the ladies man in me, I had depression issues, and it made me happpy!)

I decided, awhile ago, though, not to worry about what my son was up to, that he was a grown man, and could make his own decisions, without my interference, and that for me to interfere would just damage our relationship, and cause me, at least, great pain.

Things are better this way. My son is not me; he may handle booze like his mother does, that is in a responsible way.

God, I love that boy.

Sex has quit on me

I've switched to herbal teas from coffee, and, so far, I'm still drinking Irish tea.
No headaches so far, although I did feel a bit edgy, yesterday; my system was a little bit upset. I quit drinking booze 17 years ago, and, almost immediately, replaced it with coffee. It seems that, as I age, I am always quitting things; booze and drugs at age 34, cigarettes around age 37, meat at age 51, and, now, coffee at age 27, again!

By the way, sex has quit on me!

Pretty boy deception

With certainty, you looked at me,
then I opened my mouth, you couldn't believe
that looks could so deceive.

I can't complain

I put too much olive oil in the frying pan,
and now my homemade vegetable fried rice is
too oily, but that's ok, there are people in
this world who aren't eating at all today.

Love ain't automatic

I don't want to do things automatically;
I'm looking for a girl that will make my heart stop.

My kindergarten love

We used to go fishing in the swimming pool,
you held my hand while we watched, "Leave it to Beaver."

I wonder where you are, today.

Angry man needs assistance on aisle one

This guy has come into the coffee shop two nights in a row, who is kind of scary. He is very angry, talks to himself, talks to aliens, and karate chops the thin air, as he walks up and down the aisles of books, in the adjacent bookstore. He got mad at me, two nights ago, because I lifted his empty soda bottle off of the table next to the chair that he was sitting in, a soda bottle that we do not sell in the cafe.

I alerted the managers to his presence, last night, and one of the managers said, "Well, is he bothering anybody?" and I looked over into the cafe, and nobody seemed to be bothered by the fact that there was a unshaven, unbathed, angry man, who was talking to himself, and talking to aliens sitting among them.

It is amazing the things that we ignore; the addicts, and mentally ill that Reagan and Bush Sr. kicked onto the streets of our great nation are now just part of the scenery.

The guy who comes into the cafe wears a bulging backpack. I hope that he doesn't pull out a gun, one night, and start shooting; maybe he is a Gulf Storm vet trained to do so. My unprofessional guess is that he is a paranoind schizophrenic. It seems that with some love, some doctoring, and therapy this guy could have a chance at a better life.

Is there money in the stimulus package for those who wander our streets, or are we just going to keep ignoring these people?


I don't feel like a democrat or a republican, this morning,
or an independent; I feel like a human being.

What a precious gift

The birds chirping outside my window, this morning,
are happy to be alive, and so am I.

What a precious gift, this existence is.

I have done wrong

Nothing comes to mind this morning
except the thought of pasta,
which has already, I believe,
driven my blood sugar count high.

I had pasta for dinner, last night,
late, after I got off work,
and I ate a bit of rice too,
innocent enough things,
things that you might think are healthy,

but things that a diabetic knows
that he can't eat too much of.

Yet, sometimes, I forget, and I eat more
than I should, and, then, the little meter
tells me that I have done wrong.


Someone who I really care for is watching her mother die, and she is very distraught about this. I feel powerless, knowing that there is nothing that I can do to help her, or to help her mother.

If it is poetry at all

I'm wondering if I get an MFA in Poetry,
will I write Poetry like everybody else
who has an MFA in poetry, and I'm thinking
probably not because, right now, I don't think
that I write poetry like everyone who does not
have an MFA in poetry, if, in fact, it is poetry
that I write at all.

On time today

I have 47 minutes until I have to be at the bus stop; scratch that, the bus arrives in 47 minutes, I better get there five or so minutes ahead of it, just in case it is five or so minutes early, which it mostly never is, but you know that it will be if I get there on time, today.

Do you

I think that anything that you have to have is probably bad for you. If you can't do it in moderation, then it is doing you.

And so it goes

Some people are just so so, but that is o.k. because really who am I to judge. There are people out there, I'm sure, who think that I am so so, and so it goes.


If we all planted gardens in our front yards, the homeless could eat.
Of course, if we left them a bottle of Jack Daniels, on the front step, then they could drink. Probably, though, we'll just keep driving by them, hoping that we don't catch what they have.

Foreclosures are up;
so are the loss of jobs.

Some mornings

Some mornings, for a minute or two, I forget how happy I am to be alive. Something from the past grips me, and gives me that dismal feeling that used to, too often, start my day. I hear a bird chirping outside my window. I'm about to leave the house to make a couple of bucks. The dogs and cats are fed. (Don't forget to feed the turtles.) Things are good. Shake off the slight morning depression, or whatever it is, and enjoy your day.

I'm drinking almond milk in Irish tea, instead of cow's milk in coffee, this morning. Today is Tuesday, and I haven't had any coffee since Saturday. I don't feel any different without it. I had trouble sleeping, last night, if that makes any sense. I want to go a week without out it, just because. It's nice to do things that you don't think you can do every once in awhile.

I just read a hilarious and scary blog entry(Feb. 28) from my friend Roland. You should check Roland's writing out. He is good. He is scary; because he is often so real, which is scary. to check Roland out.

Yum Yum

I just ate a tomato basil flour tortilla filled with peanut butter, and a sliced banana. I heated the tortilla, and the peanut butter, in the microwave for forty seconds, then added the banana slices. Yum. Yum.

I fed the dogs the tips of the bananas, one each from each end of each banana that I eat. The dogs love bananas. Yum. Yum.

She made it clear, tonight, that she would never love me. It didn't beak my heart. Yum. Yum.

I hate leaf blowers

I hate leaf blowers; they are obscene. One just intruded on my pleasant Tuesday afternoon, so I turned on The Rolling Stones; loud. The Stones are capable of drowning out an obnoxious leaf blower. My dad used to think that The Stones were obnoxious. He didn't know that my younger brother was sneaking off to see them, any time they came anywhere near the state of Florida.

My dad hated Jim Morrison and John Lennon, also.

My dad hated any man with long hair, of course including every one of The Hippies. I wanted to be a hippie, when I was a kid. I used to read Rolling Stone magazine, under the covers of my bed, at night, when I was supposed to be a good little Catholic kid saying his prayers, and falling to sleep to get up and make straight A's in school the next day.

I had some Playboys magazine stashed somewhere, supposedly inaccessible, in my bedroom, also, but my mother found them. She flipped out. I guess she didn't think that I was being such a good little Catholic boy. I guess my mother didn't trust me. One thing she didn't find was condoms.

The Pope thinks that people in Africa should not be provided condoms, that they should be taught to abstain from sex. I went to Catholic Church every Sunday of my life until age eighteen, and the minute I got out of the house I gave up to this hot little gal that had been chasing me down for awhile. We used condoms. Thank God, because she broke my heart about a year later, by starting to date someone else without really telling me, long story, but I am certainly glad that I have not been connected to that short lived love affair by a child or children for the last thirty years.

I think that there are a lot of GREAT Catholic people; some of the greatest people I know are Catholic, but I do not think that The Pope is a great person. For starters, why doesn't he liquidate all the churches assets and contribute them to finding a cure for AIDS if he is so concerned about it?

The management of the Church, The Pope, the priests, the nuns are fucked up, and they have always been. Its vows are absurd and attract people that are not all the healthiest.

The leaf blower has deceased, but I'm leaving The Stones on.

I get it

My kitty Jaggar has a unique way of letting me know that his water bowl is empty.
He steps up to my cup of water, and tries to drink out of it.

Ok Jaggar, I get it; I get it.

If you treat them with love

I share the exterior of my front porch with a smattering of bumble bees. I am hoping that we can live in peace. Morisson seems most bothered by them, ocaissonaly chasing one along the screen.

You would think that it was Bundy who gave up coffee, this past Saturday, and not me. He has been barking like a madman, all morning. Me, I've been sleeping more, and felt very lethargic, and lonely without my coffee. I missed the whole process of it: the measuring out, and grinding, of the beans, pouring the water in the grinds, as I made it Melita style; smelling it, sipping it, guzzling.

Coffee was my friend, and now, for reasons I am not fully sure of, I am experimenting with ending that friendship.

I have been feeding the neighbor's cat for about a week, and today, for the first time, Monkey, presented himself to me, as I was putting his food in his bowl. He actually let me pet him, which surprised me, as my neighbor said that Monkey had been mostly an outdoor cat, a bit feral, for the last nine or ten years.

I guess most living things eventually respond to you lovingly, if you treat them with love.

In anticipation of spring

"See how awful that sounds," I say to Bundy. "That's how you sound."

Bundy looks at me with love, like I have just praised him for being the greatest dog that there ever was. He slides his paw onto my leg, and then heads over to the screening on the porch to check out what the neighbor across the street is doing. The lady is pulling weeds; her son follows her, talking to his mother as she moves about in the groovy almost spring weather.

People are starting to emerge from their houses in anticipation of spring.

Jesus is just alright

I have taken a vow of poverty,
embraced the poverty that has
encompassed me, praised it,
and realized it for the great
friend that it is.

Most things that I acquire
with excess money are useless.

I am a Buddhist Monk without
being either a monk or buddhist.

Jesus is just alright,
and so are the rest of them.

Priceless are sober moments

Priceless are sober moments;
I seek to expand my consciousness,
not have it end up in a jail cell
for the night.

I like flowers,
and ducks quacking on a pond.

I like to have my head in the clouds,
but my feet, solidly, on the ground.

Happiness is the best thing that I've
ever found. If I had made a million dollars
while living the old way, I would have shot
myself in the head;

garbage in, garbage out.
Keep coming back.

By who?

Cultivate don't masturbate
expand don't draw inner
who's a sinner has to be defined
by who?

If it wasn't for the green tea

Bills paid/I didn't get laid.
Oh well, I got to play Rock Star for a bit, tonight.

I drank too much green tea before bedtime,
and I can't sleep. Go with it, baby, make use of
the free time.

Getting laid isn't what I'm after;

such a disaster, the shallowness of a one night stand.
Someone offered to buy me a hooker, and I almost took
her in my mind; and then I thought about what must have
driven her to be where she was at, and how lonely I would
feel having a one night stand with her, and how lonely
she must be to be with me in such a situation.

Love is an illusion, don't get caught in the confusion;
it can drive you out of your mind.

I'm no expert. I have no idea what I am talking about.
I should be asleep, if it wasn't for the green tea.

The fun comes

Sometimes, there are no easy answers,
but the fun comes in figuring things
out for yourself.


I was a high end milk user in tea,
and coffee when I wasn't using half n half,
or soy creamer. I have stopped using all
of these items, and now use almond milk,
and I have seen a reduction in rashes on
my body from my psoriasis.

I just thought that you should know this.

Just give

We think we have to get,
at least I still think
that I have to get.

Why can't we/I just give?

If I don't drop off too soon

I should be asleep
but I think that I
went in too deep to
a stimulant.

The birds are chirping;
this afternoon I will be
hurting/at work if I don't
drop off too soon.

There's room in this room,
for more thought, but I
must do it later.

How do you think I got such a comfortable ride?

Scraping sugar off my teeth,
sometimes my dreams don't seem
so out of reach,

I'm not concerned about getting
a box, and retiring to the beach;
stand in line in the buffet, acting
like I don't have a dime when it
comes time to tip the hired help.

My Mercedes waits outside,
how do you think I got such a comfortable ride?

Peace and Love; and Punk Rock

Sun's coming up, birds are chirping, water flows from the filter in my turtle's tank. The dogs cats and turtles have been fed; I'm up and out of the bed, ready to go, to, go and thankful for this new day. I'm sipping green tea, waiting for ideas for poems to flow. I rearranged one of my book shelves, cleaned it off, actually, placed the nick knacks that used to adorn it in other places about the abode; now I have a free space to put stuff.

George Carlin said that we view other people's stuff as shit, and our own shit as stuff. That should make you start the morning with a laugh.

One other thing: remember when I wrote about the super regular customer at the coffee shop, who, most often, had a free coupon of some sort, ordered the most labor-intensive drink, and never tipped? Well, since I wrote to you about him, he has started tipping like a madman.

God bless The Universe; some times when you throw it out there, the issues get resolved.

Peace and Love; and Punk Rock.

When I touched her hand

She smiled, today, when I touched her hand,
and that smile will carry me through the day.

Such a day

Sipping Chai tea, I slip into the day slowly,
pleasantly anticipating the Yoga session
that I will soon be participating in.

The day looks beautiful out there;
what a blessing to be given such a day.

He says that he needs it

He says he needs that cigarette, that he needs that shot of whiskey,
that some cowboys go out like that. Sad, to brag about things
that are killing you, but happy to live life the way you choose it,
and not blame anyone else.

But as he lays dieing, and his grandchildren are gathered there,
don't you think that he'll probably wish that he'd put the cigarettes down
so that he could still breath the air?

And, when he doesn't have the money to buy someone else's liver,
don't you think that he might wish that he had let the Jack Daniels
sit there,instead of pouring it down, down, down?
I've got it made

I haven't had a heart attack.
I don't have cancer.
I don't have a house that the greedy bankers have taken.
I don't have a car, car payments, gas to buy, oil and tires
to change, insurance to pay for.
I have two pair of walking sneakers that get me everywhere
that I need to go.
There is food in the refrigerator.
There is love in the air.
Does that mean I'm a Republican?

I'm not listening to Bob Dylan.
I'm not listening to Tom Petty.
I'm not listening to Black Flag,
or the Rolling Stones.
I'm not listening to The Sex Pistols,

I'm listen to country songs on The Internet Radio.
Does that mean I'm a Republican?
If you have love

"Love is all that matters, after all."

I heard it in a country song, and I tend to agree,
but what about money, I think, doesn't money matter?

What good is love without money?
Maybe money will will flow, money will be there
if you have love.

Rat a taa

Rain rat a tats around us,
inhibiting our daily walk,
but strengthening our reservoir of water.

My calves can rest,
so that my lips can sip
on filtered water with lemon,

so that my tomatoes can have cool showers,
when it gets hot in the late spring, and summer.

Turtle worries

I bought a new heat light for the turtle's tank, the other day,
and sometime, yesterday, it shattered. I hope that the turtles
were not scared when it occurred, and I wonder if they are
at all put out that my oldest cat has started climbing onto
the top of the aquarium, several times a day, and pawing at the
glass as they move about.

If they were true

Two nights ago, I had the weirdest dream,
but last night, if I dreamed at all, I cannot remember the dream(s.)

Dreaming is weird; when they are occurring they are so vivid,
and I often wake up glad that, as real as it was, that it was just a dream, and I am not even talking horror type dreams here,

just dreams that are not too much of a stretch of the imagination,
that would be really, really awful if they were true.

A small part of it in every one

I'd certainly like to have a cup of coffee, this morning;
it is Thursday, and I have not had one since a week ago, Saturday.

There are few beans in the house, probably not enough, to make a
good cup, and there is no half n half, or milk.

I am like the junkie who has gotten rid of his little baggies,
and his needles.

After pounding the pavement, all day

After pounding the pavement, all day,,
the rain ceased around five p.m., yesterday,
as if to spare people the use of umbrellas
as they walked to their cars, after another 8 to 5,
and, as if, to spare the cars the extra confusion
that arises in traffic as people make their way home,
when it rains,

the rain is back, this morning, like an old friend,
who bums haircut money off you, saying he is going to get a job;

I can hear the rain hitting the houses, sidewalks, and streets.
It is filling the two containers that have left on the front lawn
for it to rain in.

I'm not complaining, just commenting

My feet are tired, my back is sore;
at the company store, one now does
the work of two.

What can you say, they'll send you
away, hire someone else for the job
at even less pay.

He's walking on water, still, for me.

I won't let the dogs crawl into the bed with me

I have no stories to tell, no memories to remember,
nothing to say, this morning. The rain that is falling
makes me want to eat, and crawl back under the sheets,

the sheets that I share with two cats, but I won't let
the dogs crawl into the bed with me.

Down the highway

Down the highway, you will arrive,
and find that you are still you.

I know how to breath

Today is pay day,
and the money is already spent,

but that's o.k.
because the bills are paid,
and I know how to breath.

Do you?

I don't believe in fortune.
I don't believe in fortune

Today, and someday

The turtles and the frogs,
the cats, and the dogs, and me,

are assembled for the morning
under the rain that hits this old house.

We all have purpose.
We all will die, someday.

Of you

See what you can do,
then get back to me.

It will help me form my opinion,
of you.

He was a she

Do you wish that you'd had a twin
so that there could be one of you,
and one of him,

unless, of course, he was a she.

High Art Just Because

A saxophone plays on a city street,
is the man blowing an artist, or just
somebody trying to get high?

Of course, artists can try to get high, too.

So what am I talking about?
I'm searching for words that make sense,
just because.

Forever Last

A hard rain is falling,

they'll fight with you,
but they'll never forget.

Funny how love turns into antagonism so fast,
you would think that
closeness of emotion should forever last.

I won't let the dogs crawl into the bed with me

I have no stories to tell, no memories to remember,
nothing to say, this morning. The rain that is falling
makes me want to eat, and crawl back under the sheets.

The sheets that I share with two cats, but I won't let
the dogs crawl into the bed with me.
Down the highway

Down the highway
you will arrive
and find that you
are still you.
I know how to breath

Today is pay day,
and the money is already spent,

but that's o.k.
because the bills are paid,
and I know how to breath.
Do you?

I don't believe in fortune.
I don't believe in fortune

Tell me something, do you?
Today, and someday

The turtles and the frogs,
the cats, and the dogs, and me,

are assembled for the morning
under the rain that hits this old house.

We all have purpose.
We all will die, someday.
Of you

See what you can do,
then get back to me.

It will help me form my opinion,
of you.
He was a she

Do you wish that you'd had a twin
so that there could be one of you,
and one of him,

unless, of course, he was a she.
High Art Just Because

A saxophone plays on a city street,
is the man blowing an artist, or just
somebody trying to get high?

Of course, artists can try to get high, too.

So what am I talking about?
I'm searching for words that make sense,
just because.
Forever Last

A hard rain is falling,

they'll fight with you,
but they'll never forget.

Funny how love turns into antagonism so fast,
you would think that
closeness of emotion should forever last.

The day is wet outside,
but I feel warm inside,

this space,
my mind,
and, hopefully, your heart.

Love in heaven(and earth)

Two African Dwarf Frogs have joined our home;
their names are Janis and Jimi. They are a quiet couple,
so far, but I understand that they like to hum.

They now live in Sydnee Vee's (my deceased Black Moor) aquarium.
I have been told that they will live for, at least, 20 years;
my heart grew dim watching goldfish die after a year, or so.

God bless Janis and Jimi, the two in my aquarium,
and the two making music, and, maybe, love in heaven.

Purpose gives you direction, and this is good

Mostly, this morning, my thoughts are of my grandson,
and my children, my reasons for existence,
much more important than the poetry which is important.

I am blessed to have purpose in life.

The world should be love

I love love.
I live love.
I like love.
I want love.
I have love.
I am love.
You are love.
We are love.

The world should be love.

He is the most beautiful baby in America; scratch that

He is the most beautiful baby in America,
scratch that...he is the most beautiful baby
in the world.

I'm not kidding you, and I'm not just saying

Elliot Gets It

I made my grandson laugh, tonight.
He is five weeks old, and, already
he gets my sense of humor!

--Mikel K

The day is wet outside,
but I feel warm inside,

this space,
my mind,
and, hopefully, your heart.
Love in heaven(and earth)

Two African Dwarf Frogs have joined our home;
their names are Janis and Jimi. They are a quiet couple,
so far, but I understand that they like to hum.

They now live in Sydnee Vee's (my deceased Black Moor) aquarium.
I have been told that they will live for, at least, 20 years;
my heart grew dim watching goldfish die after a year, or so.

God bless Janis and Jimi, the two in my aquarium,
and the two making music, and, maybe, love in heaven.
Purpose gives you direction, and this is good

Mostly, this morning, my thoughts are of my grandson,
and my children, my reasons for existence,
much more important than the poetry which is important.

I am blessed to have purpose in life.
The world should be love

I love love.
I live love.
I like love.
I want love.
I have love.
I am love.
You are love.
We are love.

The world should be love.

--Mikel K
He is the most beautiful baby in America; scratch that

He is the most beautiful baby in America,
scratch that...he is the most beautiful baby
in the world.

I'm not kidding you, and I'm not just saying
Elliot Gets It

I made my grandson laugh, tonight.
He is five weeks old, and, already
he gets my sense of humor!
What do they smoke in those fancy buildings?

These guys, and girls, are high. Do they really think that, given you couldn't keep up with even your minimum payment to them on the credit card, that you can now suddenly pay the whole balance off?

What do they smoke in those fancy buildings?

What you lookin' for?

If you look for miracles,
you just might find one.

If you look for heroin,
you just might find it.

Tomorrow always comes

It's here, man; and it was so far away.
I can't believe it.

With the Lord's blessing, tomorrow always comes.

--Mikel K
What do they smoke in those fancy buildings?

These guys, and girls, are high. Do they really think that, given you couldn't keep up with even your minimum payment to them on the credit card, that you can now suddenly pay the whole balance off?

What do they smoke in those fancy buildings?
What you lookin' for?

If you look for miracles,
you just might find one.

If you look for heroin,
you just might find it.
Tomorrow always comes

It's here, man; and it was so far away.
I can't believe it.

With the Lord's blessing, tomorrow always comes.
Smoking The Herb

It is often hard for me to type other than that what is immediately on my mind, so I wonder if that makes me an uncreative writer? I met a fisherman by the murky pond at the park, yesterday, who said that he was once a sponsored fisherman. I wondered why he fished such an amateur space as the pond in our park, if he was once a pro.

He said that he loved fishing, and that this was the closest water to his home. There was this other fellow attached to him, who carried a pole, but didn't much use it. He was covered in uncolored tattoos, and had a very crazy look about him. As I was talking to the serious fisherman, the crazy fellow pulled out the end of a pot reefer, lit it, and started hitting it.

"You better be careful," I said, "You might get arrested for that..."

"Bummer, dude," he said, "Why'd you have to ruin my karma?"

"It was just a friendly warning," I said, "I'm looking out for you, and not trying to ruin your karma," I said to him, though crazy man had ruined the good karma of talking to the former professional fisherman, and I and my dogs walked off from the two distinct characters, and enjoyed the ducks, turtles, and geese and plants instead of watching a crazy man trying to find happiness smoking the herb.

Someone stole my fairies

Someone stole the two fairies that I had placed at the head of some dirt that I am considering planting flowers or vegetables in, outside my abode. I like my angels far better than I did those fairies, but I miss looking up from my porch seat and seeing those fairies look over the dirt. I guess that, next, someone will start coming onto my porch, and stealing my angels, and turtles. I hope that this person, who transgressed this space that is rented to me, gains happiness from the fairies, and that the fairies are happy with their new owner.

My cat, Kobain, somehow made it out onto the porch this morning. This is the first time that he has come out the front door of our apartment since we moved here in October of last year. I know what he is up to. He wants to get through the porch door, next, and out into the wild beyond, where he can prowl the neighborhood. I do not want him to be an outside cat, where we live now, so I am going to have to watch him even more closely.

The carpenter bees are not milling about my porch, this morning. It is a little bit chilly out, so far today; maybe the buzzing beeings stay home when the temperature drops, or, maybe, the fairy thief made off with the bees, also!

I went to bed, last night, sore as a dog who has run the fields of an Irish farm for hours, having worked a long shift at work, but I woke fresh as a new flower pushing through the dirt in the spring, this morning.

Thank the Lord for sleep!

Sugar Sugar

It satisfies my sugar craving
to eat vanilla yogurt on the porch,

and watch the carpenter bees fight.

Thought on interpersonal relationships

I don't have to bed, or wed
you; I just have to be your friend.

You are gone

I had grits with cheese, this morning,
and I thought of you; sad to think that you are gone.

For Timmy

I notice things, man;
you notice things,

and as we age,
the things that matter
(most to us) change.

A man steps up to the plate
and raises his kids.

A loser becomes a beatnik.

The Cash

Who sounded the call for the Communist Cause?
Was it the men who now sell Vodka, and Cadillacs?

What does it matter if a man changes his tune?

So he strayed

So he strayed from what he said,
on what used to be called vinyl,
and the people who he once railed against,
in song

are now his neighbors,
and we wonder if he is making the hired help
pee in the outhouse.

What does it matter if a man changes his tune?

In the little bedroom

You know there's no joking
when you be smoking crack
in the little bedroom.

Knowing our place in time

Your magnetic movements attract me.
Your analysis of my statements doesn't detract from my being.
If it was you that I could be seeing, I would be seeing you,
but, as we both know, that just won't do

I think that Buddha said most of this

The bad things lead us to the good things;
the good things take us to the bad things,
which take us back to the good things.

If you understand that life is a cycle,
you will not be unhappy in bad times.

Today's enemy is tomorrow's friend;
today's friend is tomorrow's enemy,

I think that Buddha said most of this,
(which means that Christ probably said it, too.)

Keep it simple

Keep it simple:

don't fall in love,
don't try to get laid.

--Mikel K
Smoking The Herb

It is often hard for me to type other than that what is immediately on my mind, so I wonder if that makes me an uncreative writer? I met a fisherman by the murky pond at the park, yesterday, who said that he was once a sponsored fisherman. I wondered why he fished such an amateur space as the pond in our park, if he was once a pro.

He said that he loved fishing, and that this was the closest water to his home. There was this other fellow attached to him, who carried a pole, but didn't much use it. He was covered in uncolored tattoos, and had a very crazy look about him. As I was talking to the serious fisherman, the crazy fellow pulled out the end of a pot reefer, lit it, and started hitting it.

"You better be careful," I said, "You might get arrested for that..."

"Bummer, dude," he said, "Why'd you have to ruin my kharma?"

"It was just a friendly warning," I said, "I'm looking out for you, and not trying to ruin your karma," I said to him, though crazy man had ruined the good karma of talking to the former professional fisherman, and I and my dogs walked off from the two distinct characters, and enjoyed the ducks, turtles, and geese and plants instead of watching a crazy man trying to find happiness smoking the herb.
Someone stole my fairies

Someone stole the two fairies that I had placed at the head of some dirt that I am considering planting flowers or vegetables in, outside my abode. I like my angels far better than I did those fairies, but I miss looking up from my porch seat and seeing those fairies look over the dirt. I guess that, next, someone will start coming onto my porch, and stealing my angels, and turtles. I hope that this person, who transgressed this space that is rented to me, gains happiness from the fairies, and that the fairies are happy with their new owner.

My cat, Kobain, somehow made it out onto the porch this morning. This is the first time that he has come out the front door of our apartment since we moved here in October of last year. I know what he is up to. He wants to get through the porch door, next, and out into the wild beyond, where he can prowl the neighborhood. I do not want him to be an outside cat, where we live now, so I am going to have to watch him even more closely.

The carpenter bees are not milling about my porch, this morning. It is a little bit chilly out, so far today; maybe the buzzing beeings stay home when the temperature drops, or, maybe, the fairy thief made off with the bees, also!

I went to bed, last night, sore as a dog who has run the fields of an Irish farm for hours, having worked a long shift at work, but I woke fresh as a new flower pushing through the dirt in the spring, this morning.

Thank the Lord for sleep!
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2009
Sugar Sugar

It satisfies my sugar craving
to eat vanilla yogurt on the porch,

and watch the carpenter bees fight.
Thought on interpersonal relationships

I don't have to bed, or wed
you; I just have to be your friend.
I had grits with cheese, this morning,
and I thought of you; sad to think
that you are gone.
For Timmy

I notice things, man;
you notice things,

and as we age,
the things that matter
(most to us) change.

A man steps up to the plate
and raises his kids.

A loser becomes a beatnik.
The Cash

Who sounded the call for the Communist Cause?
Was it the men who now sell Vodka, and Cadillacs?
What does it matter if a man changes his tune?

So he strayed from what he said,
on what used to be called vinyl,
and the people who he once railed against,
in song

are now his neighbors,
and we wonder if he is making the hired help
pee in the outhouse.

What does it matter if a man changes his tune?
In the little bedroom

You know there's no joking
when you be smoking crack
in the little bedroom.
Knowing our place in time

Your magnetic movements attract me.
Your analysis of my statements doesn't detract from my being.
If it was you that I could be seeing, I would be seeing you,
but, as we both know, that just won't do
I think that Buddha said most of this

The bad things lead us to the good things;
the good things take us to the bad things,
which take us back to the good things.

If you understand that life is a cycle,
you will not be unhappy in bad times.

Today's enemy is tomorrow's friend;
today's friend is tomorrow's enemy,

I think that Buddha said most of this,
(which means that Christ probably said it, too.)
Keep it simple

Keep it simple:

don't fall in love,
don't try to get laid.
Peace and Love; and Punk Rock

Sun's coming up, birds are chirping, water flows from the filter in my turtle's tank. The dogs cats and turtles have been fed; I'm up and out of the bed, ready to go, to, go and thankful for this new day. I'm sipping green tea, waiting for ideas for poems to flow. I rearranged one of my book shelves, cleaned it off, actually, placed the nick knacks that used to adorn it in other places about the abode; now I have a free space to put stuff.

George Carlin said that we view other people's stuff as shit, and our own shit as stuff. That should make you start the morning with a laugh.

One other thing: remember when I wrote about the super regular customer at the coffee shop, who, most often, had a free coupon of some sort, ordered the most labor-intensive drink, and never tipped? Well, since I wrote to you about him, he has started tipping like a madman.

God bless The Universe; some times when you throw it out there, the issues get resolved.

Peace and Love; and Punk Rock.

When I touched her hand

She smiled, today, when I touched her hand,
and that smile will carry me through the day.

Such a day

Sipping Chai tea, I slip into the day slowly,
pleasantly anticipating the Yoga session
that I will soon be participating in.

The day looks beautiful out there;
what a blessing to be given such a day.

He says that he needs it

He says he needs that cigarette, that he needs that shot of whiskey,
that some cowboys go out like that. Sad, to brag about things
that are killing you, but happy to live life the way you choose it,
and not blame anyone else.

But as he lays dieing, and his grandchildren are gathered there,
don't you think that he'll probably wish that he'd put the cigarettes down
so that he could still breath the air?

And, when he doesn't have the money to buy someone else's liver,
don't you think that he might wish that he had let the Jack Daniels
sit there, instead of pouring it down, down, down?

I've got it made

I haven't had a heart attack.
I don't have cancer.
I don't have a house that the greedy bankers have taken.
I don't have a car, car payments, gas to buy, oil and tires
to change, insurance to pay for.
I have two pair of walking sneakers that get me everywhere
that I need to go.
There is food in the refrigerator.
There is love in the air.

Does that mean I'm a Republican?

I'm not listening to Bob Dylan.
I'm not listening to Tom Petty.
I'm not listening to Black Flag,
or the Rolling Stones.
I'm not listening to The Sex Pistols,

I'm listen to country songs on The Internet Radio.
Does that mean I'm a Republican?

If you have love

"Love is all that matters, after all."

I heard it in a country song, and I tend to agree,
but what about money, I think, doesn't money matter?

What good is love without money?
Maybe money will will flow, money will be there
if you have love.

In this situation

I told someone very close to me,
that I was praying for her,
and her mom, who is in the process
of passing from earth to heaven.

Then, I thought about it, to make
sure that I had actually been praying
for them, and not just talking about it;

I sure hate to tell somebody
that I have been praying for them,
if I have not been.

So what I did, right there and then,
was close the laptop, turn off the lights,
and set my cell phone alarm to go off in five minutes,
and, then, I folded my hands and prayed for that lady
and her mom for five minutes until the alarm went off.

I'm not sure if The Lord is down with timed prayer,
but it seemed to work in this situation.

It's a battle scar

My best coffee cup,
one that I hardly ever use,
is chipped;

I guess that it happened
in the dishwasher.

At first, I was a little bummed,
but, now, I am looking at it as
a battle scar,

and I am proud of that cup
for what it has given me,
endless cups of coffee,
endless cups of tea.

A Saturday morning walk to the poetry workshop

I must have missed the bus,
or, perhaps, the bus driver overslept

rain pounding his route
as if it was the start of Noah's forty days with the animals.

That left me with a long walk
under a short umbrella
to where I was going,
and when I got there
my shoes and socks were soaked.


She wore a dress, last night, to dinner,

placing pearls about her neck,
apologizing that they weren't real.

Her smile is real, and that is all that matters.

Keep it simple

She, and I, are doing everything, but have sex.

My children's' mother said, "Good, keep it that way;
sex just complicates things."

I think that, in many ways, the kids' mother is right,
but if this young lady tried to tear my clothes off
I would have trouble stopping her.

Your Gift

I hope you have a smile on your face,
and joy in your heart, because that is
what I know you bring to others.

I'm as tired as any man, or woman, in America, who has just worked a 6 to 10 p.m. Friday shift at a coffee house, alone for an hour, during the busiest part of the evening.

"Help, help," I kept frantically stating into the little microphone that was strapped to my black apron. There was no reply on the radio. Help was not coming, and I was out of coffee, had three or four time consuming blended drinks to make, and had two lines of people waiting on me to deliver that mocha, that latte, that frozen decaf hold the whipped, add a shot of hazelnut, make it decaf, and yes that regular old small, medium, or large cup of coffee,; people waiting both for drinks that they had already ordered, and people waiting to order drinks.

Oh Lord, don't let the lithium fail me, now, I thought to myself, feeling my heart pump, and the adrenaline start to rush through my system, like I had snorted a line of the late poet Dwight C. Humphries home made speed. I think Dwight used to get the government to pay for some high powered antihistamines, and he would grind them up, and lay out a line or two of them for me, every once in awhile.

To brothers make

People often ask me if my dogs, Morisson, and Bundy are brothers, and I have decided, right now, to stop answering, "No," because, in every meaning of the word, except for blood, these two are brothers; they eat together, they sleep together, they walk together, they wake up together.

It does not take blood to brothers make.


There were suggestions made to alter one of my favorite poems,
and I took the suggestions in stride, and reacted to them favorably,

much unlike I would have done several years ago.


Out front, the men picking up trash
make the noises that men picking up trash make,

and to the rear of the house,
I hear a bird happily chirping.

Monday morning

I'm naked, sometimes, completely vulnerable
and I don't have to be.

Nobody who lives in our building took out the trash this this week,
I wonder if the canisters will soon overflow?


I have a friend who talks about how she is going to find a man to marry;
she never mentions the word, "love."

A girl gave me her email address, recently, and when I emailed her, my note came back
marked, "No Such Address." I bet that I'll never see her, again.

You have to take the good with the bad, in every situation, or you will always be unhappy.

A theory of relativity

Sometimes, the spin cycle of the washing machine doesn't work
as well as other times;
then I find myself having to dry my clothes for an eternity.

This is not the same level of water problem that the people
in South Dakota are currently experiencing,
so, really, when you think about it, I have no problem at all.

Elliot's first stand

We don't refer to the house as William's
anymore, nor do we refer to it as Tomi's;

we, now refer to it as Elliot's,
William and Tomi's two year month old son.

My grandson has taken over.

A happy dog

I visited with my/our old dog, Javi, this evening,
and Andy, who has been with both the dog,
and the children's mother, for ten years,
pointed out to me that Javi is going deaf.

"Check out his eyes, too," said Andy,
pointing out that our old dog is going blind, also.

I started to get sad, but Andy quickly pointed out
that Javi is happy, and "isn't that what matters," he said.

I withdrew a tear that I was going to cry.


I was unable to stay awake all day,
and now I am unable to sleep this night away.

The dogs think that it is time to play,
but I'm going to drink this peppermint tea, and lay back down.

Game plan

I'm going to sip the rest of this chamomile tea,
and then slip off into the bed early,

open a book, and then, soon, close my eyes.